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All About Boxing and Wrestling Rings: Origin and Structures

What is a Ring?

A ring is an elevated platform, essential in boxing matches, mixed martial arts and wrestling . Generally situated one meter above the ground, it is the center of action for exciting and challenging competitions.

Boxing Ring vs Wrestling Ring

In boxing , the ring is always a quadrilateral , with four sides and corners. However, in wrestling , innovations such as the AAA hexalateral have introduced six-sided rings. These variations in shape and structure provide unique dynamics to each sport.

Ring Dimensions and Requirements

Boxing rings must meet specific dimensions. The length of each side varies between 4.90 and 6.90 meters , and the height must be between 91 cm and 1.22 meters . In addition, the ropes, which can be three or four, must have a diameter of between 3 to 5 cm .

Additional Structures in Wrestling

In wrestling, structures such as the Steel Cage and Hell in a Cell are often added to the ring, providing an exciting twist to matches. These structures, used as legal weapons, offer variety and spectacularity to the fights.

Origin of the Name 'Ring'

The term ring dates back to 1743 in boxing, where matches were held in a circle. The first square ring was introduced by the Pugilistic Society in 1838 in England, marking a milestone in the history of combat sports.


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